


报告题目:Multi-Modal Human-Robot Interaction for Robot-enhanced Therapy System

报告人:琚兆杰, 朴茨茅斯大学




       Autonomous interaction abilities are important for robot-assisted therap;systems to assess children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This talkpresents a multi-modal sensing system that automatically extracts and fusessensory features such as body motion features, facial expressions, and gazefeatures. further assessing the children behaviours by mapping them toherapist specified behavioural classes. Experimental results show that thedeveloped system has a capability ofinterpreting characteristic data of childrenwith ASD, thus has the potential to increase the autonomy of robots under thesupervision ofa therapist and enhance the quality of the digital description ofchildren with ASD.The research outcomes pave the way to a feasible machineassisted system for their behaviour assessment.


      Zhaojie Ju is Chair in Machine Learning and Robotics atthe University of Portsmouth, Principle Investigator ofEU Interreg Project, Director of Healthcare andWearable Robotics Research and Chair of IEEE SMCPortsmouth Chapter. He has attracted over E10 millionresearch fund as PI/Col and authored or coauthored over250 publications in journals, book chapters, andconference proceedings (over 100 SCI-index papers). He has received six BestPaper Awards and one Best AE Award in ICRA2018.His research interestsinclude machine intelligence, pattern recognition and their applications inhuman robot interaction/collaboration, robot skill learning and healthcare &wearable roboticsProf. Ju is an Associate Editor of several journals, such as IEEETRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS,IEEE TRANSACTIONSONNEUROL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS and IEEETRANSACTIONS ON COGNITIVE AND DEVELOPMENTAL SYSTEMSJSPS Fellow:IEEE Senior Member.

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