
法国FEMTO-ST institute的Yann Le Gorrec教授学术报告


报告题目:Control of distributed parameter systems: the port Hamiltonian approach

报告人:Yann Le Gorrecthe AS2M department,  FEMTO-ST institute



This talk is concerned with the control of distributed parameter systems defined on a 1D spatial domain using the port Hamiltonian framework. We consider two different cases: when actuators and sensors are located within the spatial domain and when the actuator is situated at the boundary of the spatial domain, leading to a boundary control system (BCS). In the first case we show how dynamic extensions and structural invariants can be used to change the internal properties of the system when the system is fully actuated, and how it can be done in an approximate way when the system is actuated using piecewise continuous actuators stemming from the use of patches. Asymptotic stability is achieved using damping injection. In the boundary-controlled case we show how the closed loop energy function can be partially shaped, modifying the minimum and a part of the shape of this function and how damping injection can be used to guarantee asymptotic convergence. We end with some results on observer design and some extensions of the proposed results to irreversible thermodynamic systems.


Y. Le Gorrec is full Professor at National Engineering Institute in Mechanics and Microtechnologies of Besançon, France. He is the director of the AS2M department of the FEMTO-ST institute. His current field of research is the control of nonlinear systems and DPS with an application to smart material based actuators and micro systems by using the port Hamiltonian framework. He has co-authored more than 220 publications and has been the coordinator of numerous collaborative research projects. He is an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control and Systems and Contr ol Letters. He has been the chair of the IEEE Technical Committee DPS from 2016 to 2019 and is currently the chair of the IFAC TC 2.6 on Distributed Parameter Systems and member of IFAC TC2.1 Control Design, TC2.3 Control of Nonlinear Systems , and TC2.6 Distributed Parameter Systems.

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