


报告题目:Recent development on control and process diagnostics from a data perspective 


报告人:Prof. Qing Zhao(赵青),University of Alberta


报告地点:腾讯会议 ID:177 836 852


Thanks to affordable computing resources and data storage, recently in many industries autonomous operations of reliable fault detection and diagnosis based on data analytics are of great interests. In such schemes minimum or no human intervention are required. Reduction of computation burden is also an important consideration,especially when deployed in practical applications. Due to superior data processing capability, various machine learning approaches have attracted extensive interests. Meanwhile several challenges are evitable, including accuracy, interpretability, ambiguity in tuning, and assessment of uncertainties in data-based schemes. Some of the points will be discussed in this seminar. In addition, recent development in fault tolerant control will also be reviewed and discussed.


Qing Zhao, received her BSc degree in control engineering from Northeastern University, P. R. China, attended the graduate program of Department of Mathematics, Shandong University, and received the PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Western Ontario, Canada, respectively. Since September 2000, she has been with the Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Univ. of Alberta, Canada, where she is currently a professor and the Electrical Engineering program director. She has been a member of IEEE, AIAA, ISA and she is a registered professional engineer in Canada. She also serves several technical and professional boards/committees. She is currently a Member-at-Large of the Canadian Engineering Qualification Board (CEQB) serving the Syllabus Committee and the Admission Committee; a member of the Board of Examiner for Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA), Canada; an international committee member of China Automation Association (CAA) Technical Committee on Fault Diagnosis and Safety of Technical Processes. She was a panel member of Strategic Grant Selection Panel of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. Her current research interests are fault diagnosis, fault tolerant control, machine condition monitoring and industrial data analytics.

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