




时间:925(周一)上午10:00-11:30    The 4th Industrial Revolution/ 中国制造 2025 and Our Roles/Future

            925(周一)下午15:00-17:00    Research on Research

            927(周三)上午10:00-11:30    Time-delay Systems: Identification, Stability and Control




王庆国教授在文革后的首次高考中录入浙江大学,于1982, 1984, 1987年分别获得学士(化学工程), 硕士(工业自动化), 博士(工业自动化)学位。1987年至1989与浙大路甬祥教授从事博士后研究。1989年任浙大副教授。1990年获中国青年科技奖及国家教委有突出贡献的博士学位获得者称号。1990年至1992获德国洪堡研究奖学金在杜伊斯堡大学和卡塞尔大学进行客座研究。1992年至2015, 任教于新加坡国立大学电气与计算机工程系, 2004年晋升正教授。现任南非约翰内斯堡大学杰出教授南非国家A级科学家。主要从事复杂系统的建模、估计、预测、控制及优化等方面研究,应用上涉及工业与环境过程、新能源设备、国防系统、医疗工程及金融市场等领域。在国际杂志发表论文270余篇,由Springer出版7部学术专著累计论著引用13000 多次,h-index 64。荣获国际自控界权威学报《Automatica2006-2010最多引用论文奖2013年名列Thomson Reuters list of highly cited researchers, 2014年荣获《控制理论与应用》创刊30周年最具影响力论文奖。获得美国等地专利5(转让2),曾任美国电气与电子工程师协会新加坡控制分会主席, IFAC期刊Journal of Process control副编辑。现任ISA Transactions执行主编(Deputy Editor-in-Chief) 


报告一:The 4th Industrial Revolution/ 中国制造 2025 and Our Roles/Future


The 4th Industrial Revolution has arrived with no historical precedent and is evolving at an exponential rather than a linear pace of technological breakthroughs. It is fueled by rapid advances in Internets, wireless device and communication, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, robotics, autonomous vehicles, 3-D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, new energies, which connect billions of people and machines together, anytime and anywhere.  

This talk will give brief introduction to the 4th Industrial Revolution and show our roles and action in this meg-trend, where the latest work of the speaker on i-enterprise will be highlighted.


报告二:Research on Research

Being a researcher with over 12000 citations and H-index of 62, the speaker will share his personal journal and view on research process of his numerous projects/publications, and research supervision of his 30+ PhD students and 30+ postdoctoral fellows. He will address the weakest aspects of Chinese students/researchers: creativity and presentation. In particular, he will show how to build solid fundamentals, get maximum gains from the literature, acquire logic reasoning ability, generate novel ideas, present research with clarity and rigor for easy recognition.

Do not miss this talk as it could be of both first kind and first hand of research life to you.


报告三:Time-delay Systems: Identification, Stability and Control

Time delay is common. It occurs within single operational plants as well as transportation of the feeding from one unit to another. It now also occurs across plant/systems via Internet or other communication networks where end-users, sensors, actuators, controllers, and filters are often connected together, which are called networked control systems. Identification, stability and control of time-delay systems has been an active research area. This talk will thus review our significant developments in this area over last decades and show the open and hidden problems and research directions to solve them. It covers

Standard identification algorithms with iteration on delay, non-iterative algorithms;

Internal stability, stability analysis and delay stability margin;

Smith/IMC control, Partial IMP, Finite spectrum assignment.



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